Ministerial Robes
The NACM does not offer robes for ministers. However, Elder Freewater makes them available to our members. We suggest considering one of his robes, because they are a part of our fellowship culture. Freewater gave a robe to Exec Elder Michael Mooney, back in 2013 when he was an honored guest at the commencement of students from the Freewater World Institute.
Remember, these robes are not manufactured, handled, shipped, etc. by the National Association of Christian Ministers. Further, the NACM does not receive payment or compensation for the offer. All requests for robes must be sent directly to Freewater within the fellowship. All resolutions about wrong sizes, or anything similar, must be handled directly with Freewater. The NACM simply wants to make an opportunity to advance the work the Lord is doing in Nigeria.
His profile is located here: